INVENTIONS - J.S.BACH, Jan NOVÁK Monika Knoblochová harpsichord / cembalo 
1 /  Invention I Allegro 1:14  2 /  Invention II Allegretto 1:28 3 /  Invention in C minor BWV 773 2:12  4 /  Invention in G minor BWV 782 1:50 5 /  Invention III Velocemente 1:46 6 /  Invention IV Adagio 1:43 7 /  Invention in A major BWV 783 1:34 8 /  Invention in E minor BWV 778 1:52 9 /  Invention V Allegro 1:26 10/ Invention VI Larghetto 3:09 11/ Invention in B minor BWV 786 1:16 12/ Invention in E flat major BWV 776 1:43 13/ Invention X Allegro 1:11 14/ Invention XI Andante 2:18 15/ Invention in B flat major BWV 785 1:19 16/ Invention in F minor BWV 780 1:55 17/ Invention IX Allegretto 1:50 18/ Invention in F major BWV 779 1:02 19/ Invention XII Allegro 1:38 (All above BWV numbersby Bach, others by Novák) Johann Sebastian Bach / Sonata in D minor BWV 964 20 / Adagio 2:53 21 / Fuga. Allegro 7:10  22 / Andante 4:11 23 / Allegro 5:32  Jan Novák / Sonata brevis 24 / Allegro 2:12 25 / Andante 2:25 26 / Allegro 3:26                                  Total Time / 60:54 Recorded in Prague / Church of St. Lawrence / 27-29 April 2007 Music Director / Jirí Gemrot Sound and Mastering / Karel Soukeník Executive Producer / Pavel Vlcek Photography/ Petra Hajská Cube Bohemia Catalogue No. CBCD2738 Cube-Bohemia is a label of Cube-Metier Ltd. (UK)
Despite the two centuries that separate these composers' lives, it is possible to find many similarities in their Inventions. Both of these sets of works are very close to my heart and by joining them in this way I set out to create a colourful tapestry − a single musical stream which unites their temporal and stylistic differences. (Monika Knoblochová)   I přes velký časový odstup mezi oběma skladateli, najdeme v jejich invencích mnoho společného. Hudba obou autorů je mi velmi blízká a jejím vzájemným propojením chci především vytvořit pestrou mozaiku, jeden jediný hudební proud, který zcela překlenuje stylovou a časovou vzdálenost. (Monika Knoblochová)